Sunday, May 18, 2008


Daniel is the oldest of our children and is 19 now. This past year he graduated from Riverton High School where he was involved in several of his interests. The first is his love of music. Daniel was a member of accapella choir and sang Bass. He traveled to San Francisco and Washington D.C. with the choir and performed in competions and for church groups. Daniel is also a great piano player and is currently serving in our church as the pianist for the primary children. He is currently working for Reynold's Brother's excavation running heavy machinery, a job that he is good at and a way to earn money for lifes next big adventure, his mission for the LDS church where he has been called to the Mexico City North mission. He is not currently seeing anyone but is looking for pen pals while he is gone. Daniel also is an avid hunter of almost anything you can hunt, but especially water fowl. He has a few of his animal stuffed and a few more in the freezer waiting to be stuffed. He said the hardest day of his mission will be the opener of the duck hunt. (Ha, ha). We are proud of all Daniels accomplishment and are excited for his mission. He fills our house with music and we love to listen to him practice and tease his sisters. We will miss him very, very much, but know we will all be blessed, especially him, for his sacrifice.


Kaitlin is almost 17 and a junior this year. She is finishing up a crazy year of varsity cheerleading. She has been cheering for two years and can lift almost anyone over her head. She's hanging it up this year for a less stressful senior year with some fun art and photography class instead. She works for Sweet and Sassy's and also for our aunt Rozann teaching piano. Kaitlin is our most social child right now and so between friends, work, piano lessons, boyfriend, tumbling, and homework, we don't see her as much as we'd like, but she loves it and we love to see her happy. She is also serving as the laurals secretary in young womens and she's excited about EFY this summer. Her favorite thing is tumbling and she goes with a bunch of school friends to Gymcats once a week. Kaitlin is very sweet and is kind of our peacemaker here. We love and appricate her for that.


Haili is number 3 in our family and there is never a dull moment when she is around. She is involved in many things including, singing, piano, and her favorite, tumbling. She also hopes to be on TV some day and has a few acting agents working on that. Haili is almost 14 and is pretty sick of school. But then who isn't in May. She also is a pretty great cook and helps with dinner alot. She is trying to master pie crust right now, and tonight I think she nailed it. Haili also just got a boy pen pal from Ohio and she's excited about that. She keeps our house hopping and that's what we love about her.


Alise is the youngest of the bunch and probably has the most energy. She is almost 11 and is ready for 5th grade to be over. Alise's first love is cooking and she makes breakfast for us every saturday and sometimes on Sunday. She loves to play the paino and practices almost every day. She is in tumbling and goes when her mother remembers to send her. She loves to ride her bike and play with her many friends. Their new thing is Webkin stuffed animals that have a computer link. Alise is alway happy and lights up any room she goes in. We are blessed to have her.